Some have nicknamed it M-kifo,techno-death,killer phone calls,kifo-pap and there is still room to come up with more nicknames.This is a wind that has blown across the board concerning people receiving 'red coloured phone calls' and instantly dying.The wind has spread panic among Kenyans since last night.
People are calling their friends and relatives warning them not to receive any strange phone calls.Unconfirmed reports are doing rounds on social networks that several people in Ukambani have died after receiving the calls.Unfortunately all these reports are based on hearsay.
However,in the course of my normal facebooking routine,i came across a friend's update with a certain website carrying some information about the origin of these deadly calls.I was so much in need of information about this and so i visited the website to learn more and according to them,a similar case happened in Nigeria sometime back.The whole issue began in Pakistan in 2007 where people were warned not to receive phone calls bearing certain specified numbers which are red in color.It was alleged that if one does receive the call,that red color emits some rays which damage body cells hence causing haemorrhage leading to death.This issue raised eyebrows in Pakistan,people panicked,mobile phone service providers called for press confrences but it was later discovered that it was a prunk.
Based on this information,the pakistan and nigeria story,is there a possibility that some prunkers are out there to wreck havoc among Kenyans?Whatever the case,we need not to worry because we shall know the truth and at the end of the day and the truth will set us free.
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