Big headed you are
Mr ethnicity
Mr,is not even your title
You always plot on how to disintegrate us
You always think of your manslaughter techniques
You are always greedy
Gloom,somber all paint your lotion phobic face
Your hands and garments beat blood stains
Inciting is your best hobby
Whatever your name is
Who is your mother?
Who ushered your existence into our good land?
I want to know
Whose uterus sheltered your for nine months?
Cursed be your mother and father
I I were a gangster,I would hold your hostage at gunpoint
If I were fire,I would reduce you into ashes
If I were a bomb,I would blow you up
If I were a panga,I would slash you into uncountable chips
If I were Herod,I would definitely crucify you
If I were earth,I would crack and swallow you
If I were ears,I wouldn't hear your nonsense
If I were mind and soul,you wouldn't convince me
Were you my friend,I would give you a cold shoulder
If you were my geography teacher and you drew a map of X province
I would plot the map of Kenya for you
Negative ethnicity,
We as Kenyans
Have filed a divorce case against you
Go to hell
We hate you!!